Yesterday, the Science and Technology Innovation Board issued an announcement that Huazhuo Precision Technology terminated its IPO!

Just announced the delivery of the first 8-inch SIC laser annealing equipment in China, which is also Tsinghua’s technology;

Why did they withdraw the materials themselves?

Just a few words:

First, the products are too diverse! At first glance, I don’t know what they do. At present, Huazhuo takes the double worktable of the lithography machine as the core and the ultra-precision measurement and control technology of the product as the basis to develop complete machine products such as wafer-level bonding equipment and laser annealing equipment, as well as component derivative products such as precision motion systems, vibration isolators and electrostatic chucks. It seems to be somewhat related. The wire bond and laser annealing both use ultra-precision control systems. It seems to be platformization, but it seems to be… So, platformization without unique skills is a pie?

Second, the scientific and technological innovation attribute seems to have a problem, it’s biased! It seems that the concept stocks of lithography machines can no longer be hyped. In 3 years, the revenue share of the photolithography machine concept has dropped from 11% to 4%. The customer is only one company, and it is a mature process; and the bulk of the revenue comes from annealing equipment, AOI equipment, bonding machines, etc.; annealing equipment seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Although we also know that annealing is very important in SIC, but… Then this is obviously the most difficult ultra-high precision of the photolithography machine. If it can’t be done, no one will use it. Besides, there are many good worktable companies in China now.

Third, at this time, if you don’t have real skills, it’s really hard to get on! Introspection, pruning branches and leaves, and growing roots may be a good choice. Although everyone is calling for platform-based equipment companies now, it seems that the bigger they are, the less they can focus. It’s really a 60-point theory. If you do it, you will fail. Therefore, the reason why Huazhuo withdrew by itself should be that it wants to rest internally. At least if you do it well, there is still hope for the future!

Recently, I chatted with many friends in the semiconductor equipment industry and found that domestic companies of all sizes had a really hard time in the first half of the year, and orders were also…; low-end internal circulation and lack of unique skills are not terrible, the most terrible thing is vicious low-price and unscrupulous competition.

Therefore, at a time when capital is super cautious, how can companies ensure their survival is the kingly way! Anyway, come on, everyone!

Still have to believe: technology and products are always the first! Although sometimes…

Post time: Jun-28-2024