Semicera Semiconductor offers state-of-the-art SiC crystals grown using a highly efficient PVT method. By utilizing CVD-SiC regenerative blocks as the SiC source, we have achieved a remarkable growth rate of 1.46 mm h−1, ensuring top-quality crystal formation with low microtubule and dislocation densities. This innovative process guarantees high-performance SiC crystals suitable for demanding applications in the power semiconductor industry.
SiC Crystal Parameter (Specification)
- Growth method: Physical Vapor Transport (PVT)
- Growth rate: 1.46 mm h−1
- Crystal quality: High, with low microtubule and dislocation densities
- Material: SiC (Silicon Carbide)
- Application: High voltage, high power, high-frequency applications
SiC Crystal Feature And Application
Semicera Semiconductor's SiC crystals are ideal for high-performance semiconductor applications. The wide bandgap semiconductor material is perfect for high voltage, high power, and high-frequency applications. Our crystals are designed to meet the most stringent quality standards, ensuring reliability and efficiency in power semiconductor applications.
SiC Crystal Details
Using crushed CVD-SiC blocks as the source material, our SiC crystals exhibit superior quality compared to conventional methods. The advanced PVT process minimizes defects such as carbon inclusions and maintains high purity levels, making our crystals highly suitable for semiconductor processes requiring extreme precision.